Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology

Giorgi Khuroshvili



Main research areas

Political philosophy, political theory, Christian philosophy, history of Georgian philosophy.


2021-present – Professor at New Georgian University.

2017-present – Deputy Director of the Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology, New Georgian University.

2016-present – Lecturer at Grigol Robakidze University.

2016-2021 – Associate Professor at New Georgian University.

2015-present – Research Fellow at the Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology, New Georgian University.

2013-2014 – Lecturer of philosophy at Grigol Robakidze University.

2012-present – Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences.


2012-2017 – PhD (Grigol Robakidze University). PhD thesis: “Jerusalem and Athens as a Paradigm on Intercultural Philosophy” (Supervisors: Prof. Tengiz Iremadze, Prof. Helmut Schneider).

2014-2016 – PhD student of Political science (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań).

2010-2012 – Master of Political Sciences (Grigol Robakidze University). Master’s thesis: “Leo Strauss` Model of Founding Political Philosophy” (Supervisor: Prof. Tengiz iremadze)

2006-2010 – Bachelor of Law (Grigol Robakidze University). Bachelor`s thesis: “Legal and Philosophical Aspects of the Development of State and Society”.



  1. Political Theology in Medieval Georgia. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2022.
  2. Al-Farabi in Plato`s Political Philosophy. Scientific series: East and West. Dialogue between the Cultures, vol. 8, Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2018.
  3. Essays in Political Philosophy, vol. II, with G. Tavadze, Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2017. 
  4. Essays in Political Philosophy, vol. I, with G. Tavadze, Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2016. 
  5. Philosophy and Theology in Medieval Georgia, with H. Schneider, L. Zakaradze, M. Mchedlidze, U. R. Jeck, Archpriest Aleksi Kshutashvili, M. Gogatishvili, G. Tavadze, Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2016.
  6. Jerusalem and Athens. Intercultural and interdisciplinary Context. Scientific series: East and West. Dialogue between the Cultures, vol. 4, Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2015. 
  7. Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, with T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, D. Labuchidze, U. R. Jeck, M. Gogatishvili, Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), G. Tavadze G. Tevzadze, Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2014.
  8. Philosophical Urbanism, with T. Iremadze, H. Schneider, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2014.


  1. Philosophy in Independent Georgia, in: Philosophy Unchained. Developments in Post-Soviet Philosophical Thought. Edited by M. Minakov. Foreword by Ch. Donohue, ibidem Press, 2023. pp. 101-121.
  2. Christian Platonism of Clement of Alexandria, in: At the Origins of Christian Philosophy: Clement of Alexandria, The Cappadocian Fathers, Gaius Marius Victorinus, St. Augustine, Boethius. Ed., by T. Iremadze, H. Schneider, G. Khuroshvili. "Pavoroti Stili", Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 16–25.
  3. Federalist Papers - Political Theory in Practice; in: "Uplis Tsikhe", # 5, Georgian Patriarchate, Tbilisi, 2019, p. 72-75.
  4. Ikalto Academy; in: Encyclopedia Georgia. Vol. 4. Tbilisi, 2019.
  5. Conflictology; in: Encyclopedia Georgia, Vol. 4. Tbilisi, 2019.
  6. The Dispute Between Bruno Bauer and David Friedrich Strauss Over the Interpretation of Hegel`s Religious Conception, in: Hegel's Philosophy of Religion. Ed., by T. Iremadze, "Pavoroti Stili", Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 185–202.
  7. Conceptions of Political Thought in Medieval Georgia: David IV “the Builder”, Arson of Ikalto. In: Veritas et subtilitas. Truth and Subtlety in the History of Philosophy. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2018. pp. 149–156.
  8. Modern University and Liberal Democracy; in: "Mission of the Modern University", Publishing House "Pavoriti Stili", Tbilisi, 2018, p. 105-115.
  9. Tolerance, Interculturalism, Civic Consciousness - The Fate of Tolerance in Georgia; in: Collection "Interreligious Dialogue for Peace - Religious Tolerance in Georgia", State Agency for Religious Affairs, Tbilisi, 2017., p. 78-81.
  10. Conflict of the Cities of God and Man in St. Augustine, in: St. Augustine - Teacher of Christianity. Editor: Tengiz Iremadze, "Pavoroti Stili", Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 176-185.
  11. How to Understand Francis Bacon`s New Atlantis?!, in: Francis Bacon, New Atlantis. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2016. pp. 87-91.
  12. Origins of Hannah Arendt`s Political Thought, in: Hannah Arendt, What is Authority? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2015. pp. 7-15.
  13. David Rector and Early Modern Georgian Thought, in: Uplis Tsikhe, No 2. Tbilisi 2014, Pp. 86-90.
  14. Jerusalem and Athens in Medieval Georgian Thought, in: Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Band 1, Leben verstehen. Herausgegeben von Tengiz Iremadze, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Helmut Schneider. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2014. S. 97-101.
  15. Reception of Jerusalem and Athens from Tertullian to Leo Strauss, in: Leo Strauss, Jerusalem and Athens: Some Preliminary Reflections. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, Mikheil Gogatishvili. Saunje Press, Tbilisi, 2013. pp. 9-1
  16. Reason and Revelation in the Thought of American Enlighteners, in: The Political essays Of American Enlighteners: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, James Wilson. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Lali Zakaradze, Giorgi Tavadze. Grigol Robakidze University Press, Tbilisi, 2013. Pp. 9-17.
  17. Gaioz Rector and the Rise of Cultural-Educational Policy in Early Modern Georgian Thought, in: Uplis Tsikhe, No 2. Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 65-70.
  18. Between Plato and Biblical Prophets – Hermann Cohen and Leo Strauss on Jerusalem and Athens, in: East and West (Materials of the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 60-year Anniversary of Udo Reinhold Jeck). Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Guram Tevzadze. “Nekeri,” Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 153-160.
  19. Neo-Conservatism in the USA from Leo Strauss to Irving Kristol, in: European Scientific Journal, February/special/ edition vol. 8, No.2; Edited by Jovan Shopovski, Dragica Vujadinovic; 2012; pp. 80-85.
  20. Neo-Platonic Doctrines about Spirit and Their Contexts in Ioane Petritsi`s philosophy, in: Neo-Platonism And Modernity, (Materials of the International Conference Dedicated to Tengiz Iremadze`s Book “Konzeptionen des Denkens in Neuplatonismus”). Editors: Giorgi Baramidze, Mikheil Gogatishvili, Lali Zakaradze, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Duane j. Lacey. “Nekeri,” Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 60-68.


Edited Books:

  1. Tengiz Iremadze - Medieval philosophy. Tbilisi: "Pavoriti Stili", 2022.
  2. Tengiz Iremadze - Ioane Petritsi`s Philosophy. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2021.
  3. Tengiz Iremadze - Early Modern Georgian Philosophy. A Systematic Outline to Understand its Specifics. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2020.
  4. Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2020. 
  5. Tengiz Iremadze - Medieval Georgian Philosophy. A Systematic Outline to Understand its Specifics. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019. 
  6. At the Origins of Christian Philosophy -  Clement of Alexandria, Cappadocian Fathers, Gaius Marius Victorinus, St. Augustine, Boethius. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
  7. Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) - The Orthodox Christianity and Our Times; Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
  8. The Idea of Freedom in Philosophy, Theology, and Social Sciences. Tbilisi, 2016.
  9. Giorgi Tavadze, Philosophical Geography. History, Problems, and Perspectives, Tbilisi, 2016.
  10. Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Band 1, Leben verstehen. Herausgegeben von Tengiz Iremadze, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Helmut Schneider. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2014.
  11. Bernhard Waldenfels, Essays About Responsive Phenomenology. Translated by D. Labuchidze. Philosophy-Sociology-Media Theory. Publishing House Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2013.
  12. East and West (Materials of the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 60-year Anniversary of Udo Reinhold Jeck). Edited by Tengiz Iremadze, Guram Tevzadze. Philosophy-Sociology-Media Theory. Publishing House Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2012. 

Translations (in Georgian):

  1. Richard Swinburne - A Life of Justifying Christian Theism. Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2023.
  2. Paul L. Gavrilyuk - Varieties of Neopatristics: Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, and Alexander Schmemann. Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2023.
  3. Metropolitan Ioannis (Zizioulas) - Orthodox Church and Modernity. Translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze, G. Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2021.
  4. Leo Strauss, Hans-Georg Gadamer - Correspondence Concerning Wahrheit und Methode. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2021
  5. Metropolitan Ioannis (Zizioulas) - Orthodox Theology and Modern Anthropology. Translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2020. 
  6. Udo Reinhold Jeck - "Vakhtang Gorgasali - Chrsitian and Philosopher King". Edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), Lali Zakaradze, Tengiz Iremadze. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019. 
  7. Christos Yannaras - Psychoanalysis and Orthodox Anthropology, translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by T. Iremadze, Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
  8. Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) - The Orthodox Christianity and Our Times; translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze, G. Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019. 
  9. Archpriest Chad Hatfield - Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann and Secularism: A Prophetic Voice - translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019. In Georgian.  
  10. Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) - Orthodox Vision Creation; translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019. 
  11. Francis Bacon, New Atlantis. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2016.
  12. Hannah Arendt, What is Authority? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2015. 
  13. Leo Strauss, Jerusalem and Athens: Some Preliminary Reflections. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, Mikheil Gogatishvili. Saunje Press, Tbilisi, 2013. 
  14. The Political Essays Of American Enlighteners: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, James Wilson. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Lali Zakaradze, Giorgi Tavadze. Grigol Robakidze University Press, Tbilisi, 2013. 
  15. Leo Strauss, What is Political Philosophy? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Mikheil Gogatishvili, Giorgi Baramidze, Tengiz Iremadze. Saunje Press, Tbilisi, 2011.