Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology

Tengiz Iremadze
Main research areas
European philosophy, Caucasian philosophy, philosophy of war and peace, social theory
Principal career details
2015-present – Professor in Christian philosophy at New Georgian University
2014-present – Director of the Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology (New Georgian University)
2009-present – Head of the PhD program in philosophy (Grigol Robakidze University)
2009-present – Head of the BA program in sociology (Grigol Robakidze University)
2007-present – Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Grigol Robakidze University)
2007-present – Professor at Grigol Robakidze University
2006-2009 – Head of the Department of the Georgian and Foreign Philosophy of Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy (Tbilisi, Georgia)
2007-2010 – Visiting Professor at Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University (Head of the M.A. program Philosophy of Life)
2007-2008 – Visiting Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
2002-2006 – Researcher at the Department of History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Ruhr University Bochum)
2003 – PhD, Ruhr University Bochum. Title of PhD thesis: Konzeptionen des Denkens im Neuplatonismus. Zur Rezeption der Proklischen Philosophie im deutschen und georgischen Mittelalter: Dietrich von Freiberg – Berthold von Moosburg – Joane Petrizi (Supervisor: Prof. Burkhard Mojsisch)
1998 – Graduate degree in philosophy (MA), Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Membership of scientific and other organizations
Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, S.I.E.P.M. (since 2011)
International Association of Patristic Studies (since 2010)
Lessing Academy/Wolfenbüttel, Germany (since 2009)
Ernst Meister Gesellschaft (since 2005)
Selected publications
Friedrich Nietzscheʼs Philosophy and Perspectives of its Interpretation (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2015, in Georgian).
Pythagoras in the Context of Caucasian Philosophy (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2014, in Georgian).
Philosophy at the Crossroads of Epochs and Cultures (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2013, in Georgian).
Walter Benjamin: Life, Work, Actuality (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2008, in Georgian).
Der Aletheiologische Realismus. Schalwa Nuzubidse und seine neuen Denkansätze (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2008, in German. -2013: in Georgian).
Friedrich Nietzsche. “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”. Text and Context (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2006, in Georgian).
Konzeptionen des Denkens im Neuplatonismus. Zur Rezeption der Proklischen Philosophie im deutschen und georgischen Mittelalter: Dietrich von Freiberg – Berthold von Moosburg – Joane Petrizi (Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, Bd. 40; Amsterdam – Philadelphia, 2004; in German).
Co-authored Books
pilosopia da teologia shua saukuneebis sakartveloshi [Philosophy and Theology in Medieval Georgia], with H. Schneider, L. Zakaradze, G. Khuroshvili, M. Mchedlidze, U. R. Jeck, Priest Aleksi Kshutashvili, M. Gogatishvili, G. Tavadze (Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2016, in Georgian).
akhali drois kartuli pilosopia da misi mtavari tsarmomadgenlebi [Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives], with L. Zakaradze, D. Labuchidze, G. Khuroshvili, U. R. Jeck, M. Gogatishvili, Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), G. Tevzadze, G. Tavadze (Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2014, in Georgian).
pilosopiuri urbanistika [Philosophical Urbanistic], with H. Schneider, G. Khuroshvili, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Tavadze (Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2014, in Georgian).
ra aris tavisufleba? didi moazrovneebi tavisuflebis arsis shesakheb [What is Freedom? Great Thinkers on the essence of Freedom], with D. Labuchidze, H. Schneider, G. Tavadze, L. Zakaradze ( Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2010. Second edition: 2013).
Series founder
2014-present: Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, series founder and editor-in-chief.
2012-present: East and West. Dialogue between the Cultures, series founder and editor-in-chief.
2011-present: Selected Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, series editor-in-chief.
2007-present: Philosophy and Social Sciences Today, series founder and editor-in-chief.
2007-present: Classical and Contemporary Texts in Philosophy and Sociology, series founder and editor-in-chief.
2007-present: Philosophy, Sociology, Media Theory, series founder and editor-in-chief.
Edited books
The Idea of Freedom in Philosophy, Theology, and Social Sciences. Tbilisi, 2016 (in Georgian).
Giorgi Tavadze, Philosophical Geography. History, Problems, and Perspectives, Tbilisi, 2016 (in Georgian).
Philosophy and Theology in Medieval Georgia. Tbilisi, 2016 (in Georgian).
Francis Bacon, New Atlantis. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi, 2016.
New Russian Imperialism and Caucasus. Tbilisi, 2015 (in Georgian).
Hannah Arendt, What is Authority? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi, 2015.
Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, Tbilisi, 2014 (in Georgian).
John Dewey, Freedom and Culture, translated by Giorgi Tavadze. Tbilisi, 2014.
Leben verstehen, edited with U. R. Jeck and H. Schneider (Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Bd. 1), Berlin, 2014.
Philosophical Urbanistic, Tbilisi, 2014 (in German and Georgian).
Giorgi Tavadze, The Power of Maps. Gelati and the Concept of “Caucasian Philosophy” in the Context of Intercultural Philosophy, scientific series: East and West. Dialogue between the Cultures, vol. 2, Tbilisi, 2013, (in Georgian).
Leo Strauss, Jerusalem and Athens. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi, 2013.
Giorgi Tavadze, Shatili from the Perspective of Philosophical Geography (Tbilisi, 2013, Georgian/English).
The Essays of American Enlighteners (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Wilson, Benjamin Rush), translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili, Tbilisi, 2013.
Bernhard Waldenfels, Responsive Phenomenology, translated by Dodo Labuchidze, Tbilisi, 2013.
Giorgi Kheoshvili, Vasili Rozanov, Tbilisi, 2013 (in Georgian).
East and West. Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Udo Reinhold Jeck (edited with Guram Tevzadze), Tbilisi, 2012 (in Georgian).
Helmut Schneider, Aesthetics of Zen-Buddhism. Wabi-Sabi and European Idea of Beauty, translated by Giorgi Tavadze, Tbilisi, 2012.
Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment, translated by Devi Dumbadze (edited with Rusudan Asatiani), Tbilisi, 2012.
Guram Tevzadze, New Age Philosophy, vol. 2. From Immanuel Kant to Friedrich Nietzsche (edited with Nino Pipia and Helmut Schneider), Tbilisi, 2012 (in Georgian).
Knowledge and Morality. Philosophical Papers. Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Leri Mchedlishvili (edited with T. Tskhadadze and G. Kheoshvili), Tbilisi, 2012 (in Georgian).
Thomas Paine, Common Sense, translated by Giorgi Tavadze (edited with Lali Zakaradze and Dodo Labuchidze), Tbilisi, 2012.
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, translated by Dodo Labuchidze (edited with Lali Zakaradze and Giorgi Tavadze), Tbilisi, 2011.
European Responsibility. Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Merab Mamardashvili, Tbilisi, 2011 (second edition: 2013, in Georgian and French).
Leo Strauss, What is Political Philosophy? translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili (edited with Mikheil Gogatishvili and Giorgi Baramidze), Tbilisi, 2011.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce homo. How One Becomes What One Is, translated by Giorgi Tavadze, Tbilisi, 2011.
Philosophy in Global Change. Jubilee volume dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Burkhard Mojsisch (in collaboration with Helmut Schneider and Klaus J. Schmidt), Tbilisi, 2011.
Grigol Robakidze and Contemporary Thought (edited with Mamuka Tavkhelidze), Tbilisi, 2011 (in Georgian).
Lali Antidze, Nikolai Lossky’s Intuitivism, Tbilisi, 2010 (in Georgian).
New Research Projects in Philosophy (edited with Lali Zakaradze, Mikheil Gogatishvili, Dodo Labuchidze, Giorgi Tavadze), Tbilisi, 2010.
What is Freedom? Great Thinkers on the Essence of Freedom, Tbilisi, 2010. Second edition: 2013 (in Georgian).
Carl Schmitt, Land and Sea. A World-Historical Reflection, translated by Giorgi Tavadze, Tbilisi, 2010.
Helmut Schneider, Philosophical Geography, translated by Giorgi Tavadze, Tbilisi, 2010.
Burkhard Mojsisch, Epistemology of Humanism, translated by Giorgi Baramidze, Tbilisi, 2009.
Lali Zakaradze, Sociology of Culture. Classics, Concepts, and Problems (edited with Giorgi Baramizde), Tbilisi, 2009 (in Georgian).
Society – Transformation of Knowledge – Philosophy (edited with L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili and G. Baramidze), Tbilisi, 2009 (in Georgian).
Philosophy of Life. Problems and Perspectives (edited with Lali Zakaradze and Mikheil Gogatishvili), Tbilisi, 2009 (in Georgian).
Georgian Thought – Problems of Education – Epistemology of Humanism (edited with Lali Zakaradze, Mikheil Gogatishvili and Giorgi Baramidze), Tbilisi, 2008 (in Georgian).
Lela Aleksidze, Joane Petrizi and Ancient Philosophy, Tbilisi, 2008 (in Georgian).
Philosophy – Dialectic – Logic, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Savle Tsereteli (edited with Lali Zakaradze), Tbilisi, 2008 (in Georgian).
Lali Zakaradze, German Romanticism and Georgian Romanticists, Tbilisi, 2008 (in Georgian).
Guram Tevzadze, Renaissance Philosophy, Tbilisi, 2008 (in Georgian).
Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science (edited with Lali Zakaradze, Mikheil Gogatishvili and Giorgi Baramidze), Tbilisi, 2007 (in Georgian).
Nietzsche in Georgia. In memoriam Tamaz Buachidze (1930-2001), Tbilisi, 2007 (in Georgian).
Henri Bergson, Consciousness and Life, translated by Dodo Labuchidze, Tbilisi, 2007.
Niklas Luhmann, Changes in the System of Social Communication and Mass Media, translated by Devi Dumbadze, Tbilisi, 2007.
Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. On the Concept of History, translated by Devi Dumbadze (edited with Rusudan Asatiani), Tbilisi, 2007.
Philosophy – Theology – Culture. Problems and Perspectives. Jubilee volume dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Guram Tevzadze (edited with Tamar Tskhadadze and Giorgi Kheoshvili), Tbilisi, 2007.
Giorgi Kheoshvili, Russian Religious Philosophy (K. Leontiev, V. Rozanov, S. Bulgakov), Tbilisi, 2006 (in Georgian).
Guram Tevzadze, Valentin Weigel, Tbilisi, 2006 (in Georgian).
Guram Tevzadze, Joane Petrizi, Tbilisi, 2006 (in Georgian).
Mamuka Bichashvili, Leibniz. His Metaphysics and Philosophy of Language, Tbilisi, 2005 (in Georgian).
Book Chapters
The Pythagorean Doctrine in the Caucasus, in: Pythagorean Knowledge from the Ancient to the Modern World: Askesis, Religion, Science, edited by A.-B. Renger and A. Stavru (Episteme in Bewegung. Beiträge zu einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte, Bd. 4), Wiesbaden, 2016, pp. 411-422.
Philosophy and Theology in Medieval Georgian Thought (Anonymous author, Ephrem Mtsire, Ioane Petritsi). In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Philosophy and Theology in Medieval Georgia, Tbilisi, 2016, pp. 8-20 (in Georgian).
Iagor Chilashvili (1792-1838). The Philosophy of Law (with U. R. Jeck). In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 91-100 (in Georgian).
David Bagrationi (1767-1819). Natural Philosophy, Logic and Metaphysics (with U. R. Jeck). In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 74-80 (in Georgian).
Anton Bagrationi (1720-1788). Philosophical Creative Work. In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 52-63 (in Georgian).
Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Peculiarities. In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 9-14 (in Georgian).
Grigol Robakidze and Nietzsche’s Philosophy. Individualism – Communication – Universalism. In: T. Iremadze, U. R. Jeck, H. Schneider (eds), Leben verstehen (Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Bd. 1), Berlin, 2014, pp. 77-84.
Philosophische Urbanistik. Eine Theorie des humanen Raums (with H. Schneider). In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Philosophical Urbanistic, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 10-13.
The Crisis of the Idea of City. The Critisism of Urban Space’s Epiphenomena. In: T. Iremadze (ed.), Philosophical Urbanistic, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 122-141 (in Georgian).
Antikes Wissen und modernes Bewußtsein als hermeneutisches Problem in der georgischen Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts: Anton Bagrationi und sein philosophisches Werk. In: Hermeneutik aus chinesischer und westlicher Perspektive. Gedenkenschrift zum 10. Todesjahrs Hans-Georg Gadamers (1900-2002), hrsg. von Pan Derong, East China of Normal University, Shanghai, 2014, S. 197-206 (mit einer chinesischen Zusammenfassung).
Understanding of Aristotle’s Logic in Early Modern Georgian Thought: Anton Bagrationi and his Aristotelian Studies. In: T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G.Kheoshvili (eds.), Knowledge and Morality. Philosophical Papers. Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Leri Mchedlishvili, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 46-56 (in Georgian).
Grigol Robakidze and Contemporary Georgian Thought. In: T. Iremadze, G. Tevzadze (eds.), East and West. Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies. Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Udo Reinhold Jeck. Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 100-104 (in Georgian).
Seiendes versus Sein. Zu einer neuen Interpretation der Gattungslehre von Joane Petrizi. In: Philosophy in Global Change. Jubilee volume dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Burkhard Mojsisch, edited by T. Iremadze in collaboration with H. Schneider and K. J. Schmidt, Tbilisi, 2011, S. 133-139.
Individualism or Intersubjectivity? (Nietzsche and Kant in Grigol Robakidze’s Work). In: T. Iremadze, M. Tavkhelidze (eds.), Grigol Robakidze and Contemporary Thought. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 110-123 (in Georgian).
Grigol Robakidze and Contemporary Georgian Thought. In: T. Iremadze, M. Tavkhelidze (eds.), Grigol Robakidze and Contemporary Thought. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 9-14 (in Georgian).
European Effort. In: T. Iremadze (ed.), European Responsibility. Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Merab Mamardashvili, Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 198-204 (in Georgian).
Destruction of Ideas. The Fate of the Idea of Freedom in the Philosophy of Soviet Georgia. In: D. Labuchidze, H. Schneider, T. Iremadze, G. Tavadze, L. Zakaradze, What is Freedom? Great Thinkers on the Essence of Freedom, Tbilisi, 2010, pp. 114-130 (in Georgian).
What is Freedom? In: D. Labuchidze, H. Schneider, T. Iremadze, G. Tavadze, L. Zakaradze, What is Freedom? Great Thinkers on the Essence of Freedom, Tbilisi, 2010, pp. 5-10 (in Georgian).
Die Welt des Wissens: Das Enzyklopädie-Projekt von Diderot und d’Alembert. In: T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Baramidze (eds.), Society – Transformation of Knowledge – Philosophy , Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 34-36.
Friedrich Nietzsche and Grigol Robakidze. In: T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Baramidze (eds.), Society – Transformation of Knowledge – Philosophy , Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 65-68 (in Georgian).
Considerations about Contemporary Philosophy. In: T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Baramidze (eds.), Society – Transformation of Knowledge – Philosophy , Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 28-32 (in Georgian).
The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche between Reception and Transformation. In: L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili (eds.), Philosophy of Life. Problems and Prospects, Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 78-85 (in Georgian).
Truth, Interpretation and the Problem of Communication in the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. In: L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili (eds.), Philosophy of Life. Problems and Prospects, Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 10-15 (in Georgian).
The Concept of God In German Dominican School (Albert the Great and Dietrich of Freiberg). In: T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Baramidze (eds.), Georgian Thought – Educational Problems – Epistemology of Humanism, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 62-70 (in Georgian).
Hermeneutical Work of Thomas Aquinas. In: T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Baramidze (eds.), Georgian Thought – Educational Problems – Epistemology of Humanism, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 35-39 (in Georgian).
Hegelian Understanding of Proclus` Philosophy and its Criticism by Shalva Nutsubidze. In: T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili, G. Baramidze (eds.), Georgian Thought – Educational Problems – Epistemology of Humanism, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 10-15 (in Georgian).
Beings or to Being? (Meta-Reflections on Ioane Petritsi`s “Definitions”). In: Philosophy – Dialectics – Logic. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Birth of Savle Tsereteli, edited by T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 105-110 (in Georgian).
Hans Vaihingers Nietzsche-Studien. Nietzsches Lehre unter dem Aspekt der Philosophie des „Als-Ob“. In: Philosophie, Soziologie, Politologie, hrsg. von T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, G. Baramidze, M. Gogatishvili, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 55-58.
Nicholas of Cusa: Can God be Named? In: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology, edited by T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, G. Baramidze, M. Gogatishvili, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 27-30 (in Georgian).
Die Philosophie der Selbstreflexivität bei Joane Petrizi. In: Philosophy – Theology – Culture. Problems and Perspectives (Jubilee volume dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Guram Tevzadze), edited by Tengiz Iremadze, Tamar Tskhadadze, Giorgi Kheoshvili, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 66-78.
Grigol Robakidze and Nietzsche`s Philosophy. Individualism – Communication – Universalism, in: Nietzsche in Georgia. In Memory of Tamaz Buachidze, ed., by T. Iremadze, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 47-56 (in Georgian).
The Beginning of Nietzsche’s Reception in Georgia. In: Nietzsche in Georgia. In Memory of Tamaz Buachidze, ed., by T. Iremadze, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 12-24 (in Georgian).
What is Philosophy in Middle Ages? Servant or …? (Ephrem Mtsire, Ioane Petritsi, Albert the Great), in: Philosophy and Contemporaneity, ed., by T. Iremadze, K. Ketsbaia, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 13-25 (in Georgian).
Der intellekttheoretische Ansatz der Selbstreflexivität des Denkens gemäß Kapitel 168 der Elementatio theologica des Proklos und seine Deutung sowie Entfaltung im Proklos-Kommentar Bertholds von Moosburg. In: W. Geerlings / C. Schulze (Hrsg.), Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter, Bd. 2: Neue Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung (Clavis Commentariorum Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi 3), Leiden / Boston, 2004, S. 237-253.
Journal Articles
Die erkennende Seele des Menschen und ihre Funktion im Proklos-Kommentar von Joane Petrizi, in: «Quaestio», 15 (2015). Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics [The Pleasure of Knowledge, edited by P. Porro and L. Sturlese], Turnhout, 2015, pp. 201-209.
In memoriam Burkhard Mojsisch, in: Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 57 (2015), Turnhout, 2015, S. 559-565 (zusammen mit Udo Reinhold Jeck).
The Philosophical Theology of Iona Khelashvili. In: Uplis Tsikhe. Journal of Georgian Patriarchate, 3 (2014), pp. 91-96 (in Georgian).
Philosophy and Theology. In: Uplis Tsikhe. Journal of Georgian Patriarchate, 2 (2012), pp. 58-64 (in Georgian).
Filozofia autorefleksji Johannesa Petriziego, przełozył, Maciej Manikowski. In: Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia, vol. VII, fasc. 1 (2012), Wrocław, 2012, S. 71-78.
Philosophical Traditions of Antiquity and of the Byzantine Empire in the Writings of Anton Bagrationi. In: Byzantinology in Georgia, 3 (2011), pp. 235-241 (in Georgian).
Zur Rezeption und Transformation der Aristotelischen und Proklischen Ursachenmodelle bei Joane Petrizi. In: Archiv für mittelalterliche Philosophie und Kultur, Heft XVII, edited by T. Boiadjiev, I. Christov, G. Kapriev und A. Speer, Sofia, 2011, pp. 96-111.
Фiлософiя Фридриха Нiцше i Творчiсть Григола Робакидзе: iндивiдуалiзм – комунiкацiя – унiверсалiзм, Переклад з росiйськоï В. Недашкiвського. In: «Філософська думка», № 4, 2010, стр. 35-42.
Hegel in Georgien. Schalwa Nuzubidse und seine Hegel-Studien. In: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Bd. 12-14, hrsg. von H. Schneider, Sankt Augustin, 2010, S. 267-273.
Considerations about the Philosophy of Internet. In: Grigol Robakidze University. Scientific Works, 2 (2010), pp. 8-14 (in Georgian).
Berthold of Moosburg and his Philosophical Commentary. In: Byzantinology in Georgia, 2 (2009), pp. 298-306 (in Georgian).
Shalva Nutsubidze and beginning of Hegel’s Reception in Georgia. In: Grigol Robakidze University. Scientific Works, 3 (2009), pp. 10-14 (in Georgian).
Философия на авторефлексията при Иоане Петрици. In: Християнство и култура # 33, София, 2008, стр. 35-43.
Shalva Nutsubidze and Hegelian Understanding on Neo-Platonism. In: Ritsa, 1 (2008), pp. 90-93 (in Georgian).
Die Rezeption der Aristotelischen Logik im georgischen Denken der Neuzeit: Anton Bagrationi und seine Aristoteles-Studien. In: Georgica. Zeitschrift für Kultur, Sprache und Geschichte Georgiens und Kaukasiens, Bd. 29 (Aachen, 2006), S. 135-143.
Anfänge der Nietzsche-Rezeption in Georgien. In: Nietzsche-Studien, Bd. 35 (Berlin / New York, 2006), S. 218-227.
An Early Period of Nietzsche’s Reception in Europe (from Lou Andreas-Salome to Martin Heidegger). In: Ritsa, 2 (2006), pp. 88-91 (in Georgian).
Die Notwendigkeit einer prädikationslogischen Theorie des Seins. Untersucht am Beispiel von Petrizis „Proklos-Kommentar“. In: Matsne, 2 (2005), pp. 119-122.
Dietrich of Freiberg on Active Nature of Thinking. In: Pilosopiuri ganazrebani//Philosophische Reflexionen, 2 (2002), pp. 17-40 (in Georgian).
A Dispute about the Unity of Intellect (Averroes, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas). In: Ena da kultura, 2 (2001), pp. 70-86 (in Georgian).
The Issues of Philosophical Commentary in Middle Ages. In: Pilosopiuri ganazrebani//Philosophische Reflexionen, 1 (2001), pp. 1-39 (in Georgian).
Encylopedia entries
Joane Petrizi, in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Freedom, in: Georgian Encyclopedia, vol. 3, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 439-441 (in Georgian).
Nation, in: Georgian Encyclopedia, vol. 3, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 51-52 (in Georgian).
Epoch, in: Georgian Encyclopedia, vol. 3, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 32-33. With L. Zakaradze and M. Gogatishvili (in Georgian).
Dualism, in: Georgian Encyclopedia, vol. 2, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 501-502 (in Georgian).
Walter Benjamin, in: Philosophenlexikon, hrsg. von S. Jordan und B. Mojsisch, Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Verlag, 2009, S. 69-71.
Joane Petrizi, in: Philosophenlexikon, hrsg. von S. Jordan und B. Mojsisch, Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Verlag, 2009, S. 285-286.
Friedrich Nietzsche, in: Philosophenlexikon, hrsg. von S. Jordan und B. Mojsisch, Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Verlag, 2009, S. 389-392.
Schalwa Nuzubidse, in: Philosophenlexikon, hrsg. von S. Jordan und B. Mojsisch, Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Verlag, 2009, S. 397-398.
Book reviews
Kurt Flasch, Philosophie hat Geschichte. Bd. 1: Historische Philosophie. Beschreibung einer Denkart. Frankfurt a. M.: Vittorio Klostermann 2003, in: Matsne. Philosophy series, 2 (2005), pp. 154-155.
Reiner Thiel, Aristoteles’ Kategorienschrift in ihrer antiken Kommentierung (Philosophische Untersuchungen 11). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2004, in: Matsne. Philosophy series, 2 (2005), pp. 156-157.
Elmar Holenstein, Philosophie-Atlas. Orte und Wege des Denkens. Zürich: Ammann Verlag 2004, in: Matsne. Philosophy series, 2 (2005), pp. 158-159.
Other Pieces
Thinking at the Crossroads. Jerusalem and Athens. In: L. Strauss, Jerusalem and Athens. Translated by G. Khuroshvili, Tbilisi, 2013, pp. 5-8 (in Georgian).
The Pythagorean Doctrine in the Caucasus, Forms and Transformations of Pythagorean Knowledge: Askēsis – Religion – Science, Freie Universität Berlin, October 22-24, 2013.
On Christian Reception and Transformation of Plato’s Practical Philosophy in Medieval Georgian Thought, in: Das Gesetz. The Law. La Loi. 38. Kölner Mediaevistentagung 11.-14. September 2012, Thomas Institut der Universität zu Köln, 2012, pp. 50-51.
A Successful Attempt at Founding Intercultural Philosophy. In: H. Schneider, Philosophical Geography, translated into Georgian by G. Tavadze, Tbilisi, 2010, pp. 14-21 (in Georgian).
The aim of Education: Knowledge or Wisdom? About some Aspects of Contemporary Philosophy. In: Education and Development. Proceedings of international conference. Gori State University, 2010, pp. 396-400 (in Georgian).
Die philosophische Tradition der Antike und Byzanz im Werk des Anton I. (1720-1788), in: International Conference „Byzantine Studies in Georgia – 3“. Abstracts of Papers, edited by A. Kharanauli, O. Beridze, Tbilisi, 2009, S. 153-154.
Burkhard Mojsisch, in: B. Mojsisch, Epistemology of Humanism. Translated into Georgian by G. Baramidze, Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 5-9 (in Georgian).
Translations (in Georgian)
H. Blumenberg, Philosophical Essays. Translated from the German. In: Ritsa, 3-4 (2003), pp. 77-82 (with foreword).
W. Leibniz, From the True Mystical Theology. Translated from the German. In: M. Bichashvili, Leibniz’s Metaphysics and Philosophy of Language, Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 259-265.
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A. Glucksmann, Chechnya’s de Gaulle. In: T. Iremadze (ed.), New Russian Imperialism and Caucasus, Tbilisi, 2015, pp. 119-125.