Academic Personal

Giacomo Rinaldi
PhD, Professor
Giacomo Rinaldi was born in Bergamo, Italy, on the 25th of July, 1954, to a family of Italian schoolteachers. After attending a high school specializing in classical studies at Lovere, he enrolled in a degree-course in Philosophy at the State University of Milan. His first scientific publication, Le prime categorie della Logica hegeliana e il problema dell’origine della dialettica, in which he tried to give a plausible answer to the problem of the definition of speculative Logic’s peculiar object, dates back to 1976, when he was still a student at that University. There he graduated with honours in 1978, with a dissertation devoted to a Hegelian critique of Edmund Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology, which, in the following year, became his first book, Critica della gnoseologia fenomenologica (Naples, 1979). A few months later, he won a fellowship at the “Istituto italiano per gli studi storici”, which had been founded in Naples after World War II, by the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce.
In his article L’atto logico-etico come principio della filosofia, which appeared in Naples in 1981, he stated in programmatic form his own philosophical position, to which he has since held firmly without any second thoughts. Openly distancing himself from widespread contemporary philosophical trends such as Logical Positivism, Marxism, Existentialism, Phenomenology and Historicism, he stressed in it the intrinsically metaphysical character of genuine philosophical thought, although identifying, unlike the Neo-scholastic metaphysics of Being, in Hegel’s Absolute Idealism the highest form as yet reached by the entire evolution of Western metaphysics.
From then on, he tried to systematically develop his conception of philosophy in numerous writings, which appeared in Italy, Germany, Great Britain, the USA and Georgia, the most notable of which are: Dalla dialettica della materia alla dialettica dell’Idea. Critica del materialismo storico (Naples, 1981); A History and Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel (Lewiston, NY, 1992); Dialettica, arte e società. Saggio su Theodor W. Adorno (Urbino, 1994); L’idealismo attuale tra filosofia speculativa e concezione del mondo (Urbino, 1998); Teoria etica (Trieste, 2004); Ragione e Verità. Filosofia della religione e metafisica dell’essere (Rome, 2010); L’etica dell’Idealismo moderno (Rome, 2016); Kasseler Vorlesungen über Hegels Kunstphilosophie (Berlin, 2023).; Teoria generale della conoscenza (Mazara del Vallo, TP, 2024).
Since 1985, he has been a member of the “Hegel Society of America”, and in subsequent years he has also joined the “Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft”, the “Internationaler Arbeitskreis zu Hegels Naturphilosophie”, the “Internationale Johann-Gottlieb-Fichte-Gesellschaft”, and the “Internationale Gesellschaft ‘System der Philosophie’”. In the circle of the “Hegel Society of America” he became acquainted with the late Errol E. Harris, one of the most prominent exponents of British Idealism of his time, whose metaphysical thought he presented to the Italian scholars in his book Saggio sulla metafisica di Harris (Bologna, 1984). In the following years, he translated and edited Harris’s book on Spinoza, which appeared in Milan in 1991, with the title Salvezza dalla disperazione: Rivalutazione della filosofia di Spinoza, and he contributed to the “Festschrift”, in Harris’s honour, Dialectic and Contemporary Science, edited by Philip T. Grier and published by the University Press of America, with the article The Identity of Thought and Being in Harris’s Interpretation of Hegel’s Logic. In more recent years, he was invited by John R. Shook to write the entry “Errol Harris” in the Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, which appeared in Bristol, London and New York in 2005.
From 1991 to 2001, he worked as a researcher in the field of Methodology of the Human Sciences at the University of Urbino, founding and co-ordinating, in the Faculty of Sociology, the “Centre for the Epistemology of the Human Sciences”. In 2001, he was appointed Professor of Moral Philosophy in that University, and in the following year, he was entrusted also with the teaching of Theoretical Philosophy.
Since 1993, he has organized, at the University of Urbino, numerous conferences, symposia and congresses attended by well-known European and American scholars, the most notable of which are: “Il pensiero di Hegel nell’Età della globalizzazione” (3–5 June 2010); “Idealismo assoluto e filosofia contemporanea” (15–17 November 2012); “Etica e metafisica” (12–13 December 2014); “La filosofia dello spirito oggi” (26–28 November 2015); “Il superamento dello scetticismo e del nichilismo in Platone e in Hegel” (26–27 May 2016); “Il pensiero filosofico e la sua storia” (30 November – 2 December 2016); “Arte e Logica nella filosofia di Hegel” (22–24 November 2017); “Etica, Politica, Storia Universale” (24–27 October 2018); “Attualità dell’Estetica hegeliana” (3–5 May 2022); “Filosofia e religione nella storia e nel presente” (2–4 October 2024).
In 1994, he began a successful series of conferences in Germany, Belgium, Austria, the USA, the United Kingdom and Georgia, the most remarkable of which took place at the University of Braunschweig (1994 and 1999); the Loyola College of Baltimore (1995); the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (1996 and 2000); the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität of Jena (2002, 2004, 2007 and 2009); the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich (2003); the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte of Berlin (2004); the University of Kaiserslautern (2005, 2010, 2012 and 2013); the University of Vienna (2007 and 2011); Notre Dame University, USA (2011); the University of Georgia, USA (2011); the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (2012); the Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, 2014); the New Georgian University (Poti, 2017, 2019, 2023 and 2024); the University of Kassel (2022 and 2024).
The current orientation of his philosophical activity, which still remains his life’s paramount interest, aims at fostering a rebirth of philosophical Idealism – both in its ancient, Platonic and Neo-Platonic, and in its modern, Kantian, Fichtean and Hegelian version – in the contemporary world. To this end, he continues to direct the column “Idealismo italiano e idealismo anglosassone” in the journal Magazzino di filosofia, which began the year 2011 with three articles on Hegel’s philosophy. In 2012, he published the volume Absoluter Idealismus und zeitgenössische Philosophie. Bedeutung und Aktualität von Hegels Denken (Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main and elsewhere), which gathers some of his most significant articles about the correct interpretation and further theoretical development of Hegelian thought, to be carried out through a thoroughgoing critique of its most misleading current distortions and misunderstandings. In the following years, he pursued the same aim by publishing a major book on Ethics, L’etica dell’Idealismo moderno (Aracne Editrice, Rome 2016), the first volume of a systematic Aesthetics, The Philosophy of Art (The Pertinent Press, Oxford 2021), a summary of the content of the second, and final, volume in his book Kasseler Vorlesungen über Hegels Kunstphilosophie (2023), and a systematic Epistemology: Teoria generale della conoscenza, comprising 4 Parts: “Prolegomeni ad una teoria generale della conoscenza”, “Essenza e dialettica della percezione sensibile”, “Fondamenti di Filoaofia del linguaggio”, and “Idea e realtà della Logica”, whose publication is expected in December 2024 by IPS Edizioni (Mazara del Vallo, TP).
On the 10th of October 2019, he was elected “Honorary Senior Research Fellow of the Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology of the New Georgian University”. In this academic framework, he delivered there, in 2019, a series of lectures on Hegel’s Science of Logic; in 2023, another series of lectures on his own Hegelian Philosophy of Art; and in 2024, the lectures “Spinoza and Neo-Platonisms”, “A Hegelian Critique of Derrida’s Deconstructionism” and “Some Reflections on Italian Political Thought in the 20th Century”.
Since 2025 he is professor of philosophy at New Georgian University.
To a thorough analysis of the theoretical and historical connections between Idealism and Humanism he has devoted his own contribution, “Umanesimo e Idealismo”, to the research project “Significato e attualità della concezione umanistica del mondo”, financially supported by the University of Urbino and directed by him, which has been published in 2024 in the homonymous volume by IPS Edizioni.
1. Critica della gnoseologia fenomenologica, Giannini, Naples 1979, pp. VIII–264.
2. Dalla dialettica della materia alla dialettica dell’Idea. Critica del materialismo storico, Società Editrice Napoletana, Naples 1981, pp. 260.
3. Saggio sulla metafisica di Harris, Li Causi, Bologna 1984, pp. 98.
4. A History and Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 1992, pp. XIV–524.
5. Dialettica, arte e società. Saggio su Theodor W. Adorno, QuattroVenti, Urbino 1994, pp. VIII–205.
6. L’idealismo attuale tra filosofia speculativa e concezione del mondo, QuattroVenti, Urbino 1998, pp. 174.
7. Teoria etica, Edizioni Goliardiche, Trieste 2004, pp. XII–532.
8. Ragione e Verità. Filosofia della religione e metafisica dell’essere (Parte I: Filosofia della religione. Parte II: Lo sviluppo storico della Filosofia della religione. Parte III: Critica della metafisica dell’essere), Aracne Editrice, Rome 2010, pp. 757.
9. Absoluter Idealismus und zeitgenössische Philosophie. Bedeutung und Aktualität von Hegels Denken, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 2012, pp. X–290.
10. L’etica dell’Idealismo moderno, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2016, pp. 720.
11. Due interpreti dell’Etica di Spinoza: Harold H. Joachim e Karl Jaspers, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2017, pp. 148.
12. The Philosophy of Art, Vol. 1, The Pertinent Press, Oxford 2021, pp. 572.
13. Twentieth-Century Italian Philosophy: Brief Outline and Critical Evaluation, translated into Georgian by G. Chanidze and R. Zoidze, Favourite, Tbilisi 2021, pp. 100.
14. Identità e differenza di anima e corpo. A proposito di una recente collezione di saggi. Quaderni della rivista Il pensiero storico, 2. IPS Edizioni, Mazara del Vallo (TP) 2022, pp. 32.
15. Kasseler Vorlesungen über Hegels Kunstphilosophie, in: “Hegeliana. Studien und Quellen zu Hegel und zum Hegelianismus”, Vol. 25, Peter Lang, Lausanne–Berlin–Bruxelles–Channai–New York–Oxford 2023, pp. 166, ISBN 978-3-631-89141-4.
16. Josiah Royce on the Absolute and the Individual, translated into Georgian by Nikoloz Kapaleishvili, Publishing House “Nekeri”, Tbilisi 2023, pp. 60, ISBN 978-9941-501-59-3.
17. Teoria generale della conoscenza, IPS Edizioni, Mazara del Vallo (TP), in publication.
18. A Hegelian Critique of Derrida’s Deconstructionism, translated into Georgian by Dr. Nikoloz Kopaleishvili, in publication.
19. Errol E. Harris, Salvezza dalla disperazione. Rivalutazione della filosofia di Spinoza. Italian translation, with an Introduction, by Giacomo Rinaldi, Guerini, Milan 1991, pp. 336.
20. Il pensiero di Hegel nell’età della globalizzazione, ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Thamar Rossi Leidi, with an Introduction by Giacomo Rinaldi, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2012, pp. 536.
21. Etica, Politica, Storia universale, ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Giacomo Cerretani, with an Introduction by Giacomo Rinaldi, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2020, pp. 396.
22. Attualità dell’Estetica Hegeliana: Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Urbino, 3–5 maggio 2022), ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Antonio Messina, IPS Edizioni, Mazara del Vallo (TP) 2023, ISBN: 978-1-4466-3997-9, pp. 231.
23. Significato e attualità della concezione umanistica del mondo, ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Antonio Messina, IPS Edizioni, Mazara del Vallo (TP) 2024, pp. 306.
24. “Le prime categorie della logica hegeliana e il problema dell’origine della dialettica”, in: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia dell’Università di Napoli, Vol. 20, 1977–78, pp. 305–36.
25. “Logicità e soggettività in Hegel”, in: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia dell’Università di Napoli, Vol. 21, 1978–79, pp. 261–88.
26. “L’atto logico-etico come principio della filosofia”, in: Studi filosofici, Vols. 5–6, 1982–83, pp. 291–323.
27. “Nota su Errol Harris”, seguita dalla traduzione italiana di alcuni estratti di opere recenti di Errol E. Harris, in: Criterio, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1985, pp. 186–201, and No. 4, pp. 281–292.
28. “Intentionality and Dialectical Reason”, in: The Monist, Vol. 69, No. 4, 1986, pp. 568–583.
29. “A Few Critical Remarks on Croce’s Historicism”, in: Idealistic Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1987, pp. 53–69.
30. “An Apology for Hegel’s Idealism Against its Realist-Metaphysician Critics”, in: The Owl of Minerva, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1987, pp. 52–62.
31. “Recenti prospettive e tendenze della letteratura hegeliana anglosassone”, in: Cultura e scuola, No. 104, 1987, pp. 127–36.
32. “L’esperienza di Idealistic Studies”, in: Criterio, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1988, pp. 132–45 and No. 3, pp. 216–24.
33. “L’empirismo domina ma non convince”, in: Criterio, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1988, pp. 296–302.
34. “Il concetto speculativo di ‘sistema’ tra filosofia e scienze dell’uomo”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 61, 1988, pp. 479–505.
35. “The Identity of Thought and Being in Harris’s Interpretation of Hegel’s Logic”, in: Dialectic and Contemporary Science. Essays in Honor of Errol E. Harris, ed. by Philip T. Grier, University Press of America, Lanham–London–New York 1989, pp. 69–88.
36. “Attualità di Hegel. Concretezza, autocoscienza e processo in Gentile e in Christensen”, in: Studi filosofici, Vols. XII–XIII, 1989–90, pp. 63–104.
37. “The ‘Idea of Knowing’ in Hegel’s Logic”, in: Philosophy & Theology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1991, pp. 55–78.
38. “Essenza e dialettica della percezione sensibile”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 66, 1993–94, pp. 813–51.
39. “Italian Idealism and After: Gentile, Croce and Others”, in: Routledge History of Philosophy, Vol. 8: Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy, ed. by R. Kearney, Routledge, London–New York: 1st ed. 1994; 1st reprint 1999; 2nd reprint 2000; 3rd reprint 2001; 2nd ed. (paperback) 2003, pp. 350–89.
40. “Die Aktualität von Hegels Logik”, in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vol. 2, 1996, pp. 27–54.
41. “Sul significato metodologico della teoria hegeliana della ‘rappresentazione’ per le scienze umane contemporanee”, in: Livelli di rappresentazione, ed. by F. Braga Illa, QuattroVenti, Urbino 1997, pp. 47–72.
42. “Fondamenti di filosofia del linguaggio”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 68, 1997–1998, pp. 485–536.
43. “A Hegelian Critique of Derrida’s Deconstructionism”, in: Philosophy & Theology, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1999, pp. 311–48.
44. “Prolegomeni ad una teoria generale della conoscenza”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 69, 1999, pp. 915–74.
45. “Metaphysics as a Cultural Presence: Dialectical and Metaxological Thought in William Desmond’s Philosophy”, in: Being and Dialectic: Metaphysics as a Cultural Presence, edited by W. Desmond and J. Grange, SUNY Press, Albany, NY, 2000, pp. 155–76.
46. “Logica e Fenomenologia”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 70, 2000, pp. 823–72.
47. “Musica e filosofia”, in: Miscellanea Sannio, ed. by Giuseppina Luongo Bartolini, Benevento 2000, pp. 187–94.
48. “Zur gegenwärtigen Bedeutung von Hegels Naturphilosophie”, in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vols. 6–7, 2000–2001, pp. 219–252.
49. “Idea e realtà della Logica. Parte I”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 71, 2001–2002, pp. 91–137.
50. “‘Ragione’ e ‘giustizia’ secondo Richard D. Winfield”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 7, 2002, pp. 107–124.
51. “Musik und Philosophie im Ausgang von Hegel”, in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vols. 8–9, 2002–2003, pp. 109–117.
52. “Idea e realtà della Logica. Parte II”, in: Studi urbinati, Vols. 71–72, 2003–2004, pp. 29–47.
53. “Warum, und inwiefern, ist Hegels »absoluter Idealismus« heute noch aktuell?”, in: Hegel-Jahrbuch 2004: Glauben und Wissen, Part II, pp. 95–101.
54. “Errol E. Harris”, in: Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers. General Editor: John R. Shook, Bristol–London–New York 2005, pp. 1036–1040.
55. “Innere und Äußere Teleologie bei Kant und Hegel”, in: Hegel und das mechanistische Weltbild, ed. by R. Wahsner, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M.–Berlin–Bern–Bruxelles–New York–Oxford–Wien 2005, pp. 77–92.
56. “L’etica oggi”, in: Miscellanea Sannio. II Edizione, ed. by G. Luongo Bartolini, Benevento 2006, pp. 323–330.
57. “Method and Speculation in Fichte’s Later Philosophy”, in: Fichte–Studien, Vol. 30: Fichtes Spätwerk im Vergleich, Amsterdam–New York 2006, pp. 153–161.
58. “Filosofia critica e pensiero speculativo nella ‘Critica del giudizio’ di Kant”, in: Studi urbinati, Vol. 76, 2006, pp. 53–77.
59. “Religion and Absolute Knowing in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit”, in: Anfänge bei Hegel, ed. by Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik and Heinz Eidam, Kassel University Press, Kassel 2008, pp. 131–164.
60. “Über das Verhältnis der dialektischen Methode zu den Naturwissenschaften in Hegels absolutem Idealismus”, in: Naturwissenschaft und Methode in Hegels Naturphilosophie, ed. by Wolfgang Neuser, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2009, pp. 38–57.
61. “Selbstbewusstsein und Substantialitätsverhältnis in Bruno Bauers Religionsphilosophie”, in: Bruno Bauer. Ein „Partisan des Weltgeistes?“, ed. by Klaus–M. Kodalle und Tilman Reitz, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2010, pp. 101–113.
62. “Premessa” to the column “Idealismo italiano e idealismo anglosassone”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 18, 2010, pp. 145–146.
63. “Il problema religioso nella Filosofia sistematica di Richard D. Winfield”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 18, 2010, pp. 147–164.
64. “Scetticismo e metafisica nel pensiero di Hegel. A proposito di una critica fraintendente di Teoria etica”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 18, 2010, pp. 165–84. Reprinted in: Absoluter Idealismus und zeitgenössische Philosophie. Bedeutung und Aktualität von Hegels Denken, op. cit., Part I, Ch. 4, pp. 103–22.
65. “Errol E. Harris”, in: Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism. Editor: William Sweet, Continuum, Bristol–London–New York 2010, pp. 302–306.
66. “Über das Verhältnis der Ethik zur Metaphysik”, in: Ethik als prima philosophia?, ed. by Hans-Dieter Klein, Könisgshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2011, pp. 43–63.
67. Introduction to Il pensiero di Hegel nell’età della globalizzazione, ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Thamar Rossi Leidi, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2012, pp. 9–48.
68. “Verità ed attualità dell’Idealismo assoluto”, in: Il pensiero di Hegel nell’età della globalizzazione, op. cit., pp. 51–74.
69. “Hegels spekulativer Systembegriff und die zeitgenössischen Wissenschaften”, in: Systemtheorie, Selbstorganisation und Dialektik: Zur Methodik der Hegelschen Naturphilosophie, ed. by Wolfgang Neuser and Sönke Roterberg, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2012, pp. 31–50.
70. “Die Selbstaufhebung der materialistischen Reduktion des ‘Bewusstseins’ auf das ‘gesellschaftliche Sein’ bei Marx”, in: Reduktionismen – und Antworten der Philosophie, ed. by Wilfried Grießer, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2012, pp. 241–263.
71. “Attualità dell’Idealismo attuale. Hegel e Gentile”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 21, 2012–2013, pp. 153–167.
72. “Hegel und das philosophische Verständnis der Person”, in: Autonomie und Normativität, ed. by Kurt Seelmann und Benno Zabel, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2014, pp. 18–43.
73. “Tragedia, riconoscimento e morte di Dio nel pensiero di Robert Williams”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 23, 2014, pp. 119–45.
74. “Carattere e limiti della ‘filosofia sistematica’ di Nicolai Hartmann”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 23, 2014, pp. 146–78.
75. “La filosofia dei valori di Heinrich Rickert e l’autoconfutazione dell’epistemologia neokantiana”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 24, 2014, pp. 157–204.
76. “Esame e critica di una falsa interpretazione della filosofia di Hegel”, in: Itinerari, Vol. 3, 2014, pp. 35–82.
77. “Idealismo e trascendenza. A proposito di un recente saggio di Robert M. Wallace”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 26, 2015, pp. 17–47.
78. “Etica e metafisica nell’‘idealismo scettico’ di Francis Herbert Bradley”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 26, 2015, pp. 48–77.
79. “L’idealismo etico di Thomas H. Green”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 27, 2015, pp. 107–135.
80. “The Metaphysical Presuppositions of Hegel’s Philosophy of Self-consciousness”, in: Hegel and Metaphysics. On Logic and Ontology in the System, ed. by Allegra De Laurentiis, Hegel-Jahrbuch Sonderband, W. De Gruyter, Berlin–Boston 2016, pp. 89–107.
81. “Il concetto dell’‘idealismo’”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 28, 2016, pp. 21–57.
82. “Storicismo e metafisica nella filosofia contemporanea”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, anno XI, No. 29, 2016–17, pp. 129–148.
83. “Hegels Philosophie der Kunst und ihre naturphilosophischen Voraussetzungen”, in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vol. 18, 2016, pp. 139–185.
84. “Significato e attualità della filosofia hegeliana della religione”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 30, 2016–17, pp. 129–143.
85. “Hegelismo e misticismo. A proposito degli scritti filosofici di Stephen Theron”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 30, 2016–17, pp. 144–178.
86. “Truth and Logic in Harold H. Joachim’s Philosophy”, in: Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2018, pp. 91–110.
87. “The Development of Giovanni Gentile’s Political Thought”, in: Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2018, pp. 111–40.
88. “Remembering the Hegelian Philosopher Robert R. Williams”, in: The Owl of Minerva, Vol. 49, Nos. 1–2, 2017–18, pp. 143–8.
89. “Il pensiero politico di Giovanni Gentile”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 32, 2018, pp. 137–57.
90. “The Contemporary Relevance of Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion”, in: Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion (Georgian transl.), transl. into Georgian and ed. by Tengiz Iremadze, Tbilisi 2019, pp. 51–80.
91. “La filosofia hegeliana dell’arte e l’estetica del neoidealismo italiano, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 35, 2019–20, pp. 137–55.
92. “Neo-Kantianism versus Hegelianism: Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin’s Interpretation and Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy”, in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vol. 21, 2020, pp. 11–100.
93. “Alcune riflessioni sui risultati teoretici del Congresso”, in: Etica, Politica, Storia universale. Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Urbino 24–27 ottobre 2018, ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Giacomo Cerretani, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2020, pp. 25–49.
94. “Ivan Aleksandrovich Il’in e la critica neokantiana dell’epistemologia di Hegel”, in: Etica, Politica, Storia universale. Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Urbino 24–27 ottobre 2018, op. cit., pp. 185–205.
95. Review article of Hegel’s Theology of Revelation Thematised, and Hegel’s System of Logic, by Stephen Theron, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 36, 2020, pp. 15–46.
96. Review article of Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism, by J. Wakefield, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 36, 2020, pp. 47–83.
97. Totalità e totalitarismo nel pensiero politico di Hegel, in: Il pensiero storico, Vol. 9, June 2021, pp. 319–41.
98. “A Few Critical Remarks on Collingwood’s Philosophy of Art”, in: «Collingwood and British Idealism Studies», Vol. 27, No. 1, 2021, pp. 49–74.
99. “The contemporary Relevance of Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion”, in: Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion. Perspectives – Contexts – Intercultural References, ed. by Tengiz Iremadze, Udo R. Jeck and Helmut Schneider, Europäischer Universitätsverlag, Bochum 2021, pp. 3–22.
100. “La filosofia hegeliana dello spirito oggettivo nell’interpretazione di Ivan Aleksandrovich Il’in”, in: La presenza di Hegel nei pensatori contemporanei, Vol. III, ed. by Fabio Gembillo and Giuseppe Giordano, Armando Siciliano Editore, Messina–Vittoria 2023, pp. 164–77. Reprinted in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 45, 2022, pp. 22–32.
101. “Introduzione” al volume Attualità dell’Estetica Hegeliana: Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Urbino, 3–5 maggio 2022), ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Antonio Messina, IPS Edizioni, Mazara del Vallo 2023, ISBN: 978-1-4466-3997-9, pp. 7–35.
102. “Il significato della Filosofia dell’arte nel pensiero contemporaneo”, in: Attualità dell’Estetica Hegeliana: Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Urbino, 3–5 maggio 2022), op. cit., pp. 37–52.
103. “Idealismo e storicismo nell’etica di Croce”, in: Magazzino di filosofia, No. 45, 2022, pp. 51–62.
104. “Introduzione” al volume Significato e attualità della concezione umanistica del mondo, ed. by Giacomo Rinaldi and Antonio Messina, IPS Edizioni, Mazara del Vallo 2024, pp. 7–23.
105. “Umanesimo e Idealismo”, op. cit., pp. 25–170.
106. “Die neuplatonische Grundlage des Prologs des Johannes-Evangeliums”, in publication.
107. “Hegels Auffassung des Christentums”, in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vol. 23, 2024, in publication.
108. “Spinoza and Neo-Platonism” in: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung, Vol. 23, 2024, in publication.
109. Some Reflections on Italian Political Thought in the 20th Century, in publication.