Academic Personal

Giorgi Khuroshvili
PhD, Professor
Main research areas
Political philosophy, political theory, Christian philosophy, history of Georgian philosophy.
2021-present – Professor at New Georgian University.
2017-present – Deputy Director of the Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology, New Georgian University.
2016-present – Lecturer at Grigol Robakidze University.
2016-2021 – Associate Professor at New Georgian University.
2015-present – Research Fellow at the Archive of Caucasian Philosophy and Theology, New Georgian University.
2013-2014 – Lecturer of philosophy at Grigol Robakidze University.
2012-present – Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences.
2012-2017 – PhD (Grigol Robakidze University). PhD thesis: “Jerusalem and Athens as a Paradigm on Intercultural Philosophy” (Supervisors: Prof. Tengiz Iremadze, Prof. Helmut Schneider).
2014-2016 – PhD student of Political science (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań).
2010-2012 – Master of Political Sciences (Grigol Robakidze University). Master’s thesis: “Leo Strauss` Model of Founding Political Philosophy” (Supervisor: Prof. Tengiz iremadze)
2006-2010 – Bachelor of Law (Grigol Robakidze University). Bachelor`s thesis: “Legal and Philosophical Aspects of the Development of State and Society”.
Selected Publications
- Political Theology in Medieval Georgia. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2022.
- Al-Farabi in Plato`s Political Philosophy. Scientific series: East and West. Dialogue between the Cultures, vol. 8, Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2018.
- Essays in Political Philosophy, vol. II, with G. Tavadze, Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2017.
- Essays in Political Philosophy, vol. I, with G. Tavadze, Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2016.
- Philosophy and Theology in Medieval Georgia, with H. Schneider, L. Zakaradze, M. Mchedlidze, U. R. Jeck, Archpriest Aleksi Kshutashvili, M. Gogatishvili, G. Tavadze, Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2016.
- Jerusalem and Athens. Intercultural and interdisciplinary Context. Scientific series: East and West. Dialogue between the Cultures, vol. 4, Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2015.
- Early Modern Georgian Philosophy and its Major Representatives, with T. Iremadze, L. Zakaradze, D. Labuchidze, U. R. Jeck, M. Gogatishvili, Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), G. Tavadze G. Tevzadze, Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2014.
- Philosophical Urbanism, with T. Iremadze, H. Schneider, L. Zakaradze, M. Gogatishvili Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2014.
- Philosophy in Independent Georgia, in: Philosophy Unchained. Developments in Post-Soviet Philosophical Thought. Edited by M. Minakov. Foreword by Ch. Donohue, ibidem Press, 2023. pp. 101-121.
- Christian Platonism of Clement of Alexandria, in: At the Origins of Christian Philosophy: Clement of Alexandria, The Cappadocian Fathers, Gaius Marius Victorinus, St. Augustine, Boethius. Ed., by T. Iremadze, H. Schneider, G. Khuroshvili. "Pavoroti Stili", Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 16–25.
- Federalist Papers - Political Theory in Practice; in: "Uplis Tsikhe", # 5, Georgian Patriarchate, Tbilisi, 2019, p. 72-75.
- Ikalto Academy; in: Encyclopedia Georgia. Vol. 4. Tbilisi, 2019.
- Conflictology; in: Encyclopedia Georgia, Vol. 4. Tbilisi, 2019.
- The Dispute Between Bruno Bauer and David Friedrich Strauss Over the Interpretation of Hegel`s Religious Conception, in: Hegel's Philosophy of Religion. Ed., by T. Iremadze, "Pavoroti Stili", Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 185–202.
- Conceptions of Political Thought in Medieval Georgia: David IV “the Builder”, Arson of Ikalto. In: Veritas et subtilitas. Truth and Subtlety in the History of Philosophy. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2018. pp. 149–156.
- Modern University and Liberal Democracy; in: "Mission of the Modern University", Publishing House "Pavoriti Stili", Tbilisi, 2018, p. 105-115.
- Tolerance, Interculturalism, Civic Consciousness - The Fate of Tolerance in Georgia; in: Collection "Interreligious Dialogue for Peace - Religious Tolerance in Georgia", State Agency for Religious Affairs, Tbilisi, 2017., p. 78-81.
- Conflict of the Cities of God and Man in St. Augustine, in: St. Augustine - Teacher of Christianity. Editor: Tengiz Iremadze, "Pavoroti Stili", Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 176-185.
- How to Understand Francis Bacon`s New Atlantis?!, in: Francis Bacon, New Atlantis. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2016. pp. 87-91.
- Origins of Hannah Arendt`s Political Thought, in: Hannah Arendt, What is Authority? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2015. pp. 7-15.
- David Rector and Early Modern Georgian Thought, in: Uplis Tsikhe, No 2. Tbilisi 2014, Pp. 86-90.
- Jerusalem and Athens in Medieval Georgian Thought, in: Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Band 1, Leben verstehen. Herausgegeben von Tengiz Iremadze, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Helmut Schneider. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2014. S. 97-101.
- Reception of Jerusalem and Athens from Tertullian to Leo Strauss, in: Leo Strauss, Jerusalem and Athens: Some Preliminary Reflections. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, Mikheil Gogatishvili. Saunje Press, Tbilisi, 2013. pp. 9-1
- Reason and Revelation in the Thought of American Enlighteners, in: The Political essays Of American Enlighteners: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, James Wilson. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Lali Zakaradze, Giorgi Tavadze. Grigol Robakidze University Press, Tbilisi, 2013. Pp. 9-17.
- Gaioz Rector and the Rise of Cultural-Educational Policy in Early Modern Georgian Thought, in: Uplis Tsikhe, No 2. Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 65-70.
- Between Plato and Biblical Prophets – Hermann Cohen and Leo Strauss on Jerusalem and Athens, in: East and West (Materials of the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 60-year Anniversary of Udo Reinhold Jeck). Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Guram Tevzadze. “Nekeri,” Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 153-160.
- Neo-Conservatism in the USA from Leo Strauss to Irving Kristol, in: European Scientific Journal, February/special/ edition vol. 8, No.2; Edited by Jovan Shopovski, Dragica Vujadinovic; 2012; pp. 80-85.
- Neo-Platonic Doctrines about Spirit and Their Contexts in Ioane Petritsi`s philosophy, in: Neo-Platonism And Modernity, (Materials of the International Conference Dedicated to Tengiz Iremadze`s Book “Konzeptionen des Denkens in Neuplatonismus”). Editors: Giorgi Baramidze, Mikheil Gogatishvili, Lali Zakaradze, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Duane j. Lacey. “Nekeri,” Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 60-68.
Edited Books:
- Tengiz Iremadze - Medieval philosophy. Tbilisi: "Pavoriti Stili", 2022.
- Tengiz Iremadze - Ioane Petritsi`s Philosophy. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2021.
- Tengiz Iremadze - Early Modern Georgian Philosophy. A Systematic Outline to Understand its Specifics. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2020.
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2020.
- Tengiz Iremadze - Medieval Georgian Philosophy. A Systematic Outline to Understand its Specifics. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- At the Origins of Christian Philosophy - Clement of Alexandria, Cappadocian Fathers, Gaius Marius Victorinus, St. Augustine, Boethius. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) - The Orthodox Christianity and Our Times; Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- The Idea of Freedom in Philosophy, Theology, and Social Sciences. Tbilisi, 2016.
- Giorgi Tavadze, Philosophical Geography. History, Problems, and Perspectives, Tbilisi, 2016.
- Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Band 1, Leben verstehen. Herausgegeben von Tengiz Iremadze, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Helmut Schneider. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2014.
- Bernhard Waldenfels, Essays About Responsive Phenomenology. Translated by D. Labuchidze. Philosophy-Sociology-Media Theory. Publishing House Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2013.
- East and West (Materials of the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 60-year Anniversary of Udo Reinhold Jeck). Edited by Tengiz Iremadze, Guram Tevzadze. Philosophy-Sociology-Media Theory. Publishing House Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2012.
Translations (in Georgian):
- Richard Swinburne - A Life of Justifying Christian Theism. Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2023.
- Paul L. Gavrilyuk - Varieties of Neopatristics: Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, and Alexander Schmemann. Tbilisi: "Nekeri", 2023.
- Metropolitan Ioannis (Zizioulas) - Orthodox Church and Modernity. Translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze, G. Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2021.
- Leo Strauss, Hans-Georg Gadamer - Correspondence Concerning Wahrheit und Methode. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Publishing House “Nekeri”, 2021
- Metropolitan Ioannis (Zizioulas) - Orthodox Theology and Modern Anthropology. Translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2020.
- Udo Reinhold Jeck - "Vakhtang Gorgasali - Chrsitian and Philosopher King". Edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), Lali Zakaradze, Tengiz Iremadze. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- Christos Yannaras - Psychoanalysis and Orthodox Anthropology, translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by T. Iremadze, Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) - The Orthodox Christianity and Our Times; translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze, G. Khuroshvili. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- Archpriest Chad Hatfield - Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann and Secularism: A Prophetic Voice - translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019. In Georgian.
- Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) - Orthodox Vision Creation; translated by G. Khuroshvili, edited by Metropolitan Grigoli (Berbichashvili), T. Iremadze. Tbilisi: Pavoriti Stili, 2019.
- Francis Bacon, New Atlantis. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2016.
- Hannah Arendt, What is Authority? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, etc. Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2015.
- Leo Strauss, Jerusalem and Athens: Some Preliminary Reflections. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Giorgi Tavadze, Mikheil Gogatishvili. Saunje Press, Tbilisi, 2013.
- The Political Essays Of American Enlighteners: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, James Wilson. Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Tengiz Iremadze, Lali Zakaradze, Giorgi Tavadze. Grigol Robakidze University Press, Tbilisi, 2013.
- Leo Strauss, What is Political Philosophy? Translated by Giorgi Khuroshvili. Editors: Mikheil Gogatishvili, Giorgi Baramidze, Tengiz Iremadze. Saunje Press, Tbilisi, 2011.